Our mediators will enable you to easily schedule mediations with an experienced neutral. Our mission is to provide exceptional mediations that take the work out of your hands and put it in ours. Just choose your mediator and check his or her calendar or choose a date and see who is available. No more multiple attempts and multiple phone calls to get dates that all parties can agree on.

Our mediators will provide you with a wide range of experience. With three experienced mediators including a Senior Superior Court Judge to handle Judicially Assisted Settlement Conferences and an experienced arbitrator, your needs should be met by our group. We provide a broad range of expertise in matters ranging from domestic relations, railroad law, medical malpractice, personal injury, condemnation, business and municipal law, trusts and estates, and employment law.

We can also help you mediate complex cases by sending a team of mediators which will save time and money. And for those that want their day in court but do not want to fight the court’s backlog, you can opt for binding arbitration.

We also provide mediation services for persons who have private disputes that are not pending in any court. We can act as your neutral in parenting disputes as well as business and financial disagreements.

We understand that every party to a case is unique and has different needs. It is our mission at Northwest Georgia Mediation to provide our experience to bring about a resolution in resolving your disputes in an efficient and timely manner. Contact us or schedule today.